Just Get Laid Off? Time To Take Control of Your Future!

Kim Daly Coach's Corner, Vlog

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For the last 19 years, I have been helping executives in career transition find their next “hurrah” in franchise ownership. But when we start the conversation, it’s always important for me to learn how they felt about being laid off. Sometimes people were just DYING for the opportunity to come. They wouldn’t have left their job, but they’re REALLY happy that they were chosen to leave. (And many times they’re asked to leave with a severance package, which makes it all the better!)

In other cases, though, people didn’t see the layoff coming and they felt blindsided and they feel rejected. And there’s a lot of hurt because they gave a lot of their time and energy and life to a company that in the end showed no loyalty to them. Corporate America is a tough place. It’s a place, though, where many people will spend their entire professional career and build an amazing life for themselves. For some people, Corporate America maybe felt right in the beginning, but then something happened and they were ready to make a change.

For the past 19 years, I have been working with executives in career transition who are looking for something greater than “another corporate job.” These are often people who have always dreamed of owning their own business, but there was never the right opportunity to really explore that dream. And now they find themselves at this fork in the road trying to figure out what the future holds for them… and then along comes The Daly Coach.

Franchising provides an opportunity for you to be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself, to become the CEO of your own organization where you get to be the boss and love your boss, where you get to build your own dream team, where you get to wake up feeling empowered and in control and come to work excited about what you get to accomplish every day and maybe even feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Franchising affords you the opportunity to work ON your business rather than IN your business. And this is how you get to use that executive skill set that you’ve honed working for other people. Franchising may even afford you the opportunity to use your own 401(k) as a way to be your own bank, to invest in yourself and in your future.

You don’t have to come with the idea of how to build a business. You just have to follow the plan that’s provided to you. You don’t have to come with experience in the industry. You just have to wake up with the passion to want to compete in an industry and win in your local market. You do not need to be the widget expert or even have any experience in a particular industry in order to go on and make history in that franchise to be the number one franchisee or the rookie of the year.

Look, I don’t want to trash talk about Corporate America. There’s a time and a place for Corporate America. It got you to this point in your life, right? If you were lucky enough to be laid off with a severance package so that you’re still getting paid while you get to ramp up your franchise business, does it get any better than that? We want to THANK Corporate America for all that it’s made you to this point in your life.

Franchising is amazing, but I realize it’s not for everyone. That said, even if you decide at the end of your due diligence that franchising is not the right investment for you, or even that another corporate job IS right for you, this process will help you feel confident about the next step along your path.

My services are free. I want to offer my experience to you. Although it might be scary and stressful, this transition in your life creates an opportunity. Good luck to you in your transition. If I don’t get to meet you beyond today, I hope that I’ve inspired you to the next dream in your life, because whatever you’re dreaming, it is possible if you only dare to dream it! And if this video has inspired you to explore what a future in business ownership could look like for you, please leave a question or comment below, or e-mail me directly right now for a free consultation.

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