franchise matches skills

Do I Need to Find a Franchise That Matches My Skills?

Kim Daly Coach's Corner, Vlog

One of the most common questions that people ask when they begin exploring the process of buying a franchise, is whether they need to select a business or industry that aligns with their skills or professional experience. Enjoy the video below, and read on to learn the answer!

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There are many ways that you can position yourself within the business, but the simple answer is “No!” As an experienced Franchise Consultant, an important part of my job is to present you with a variety of options that could be a great fit for you for a number of different reasons. While some of these options might perfectly align with your skills or your passions, some will likely be unique opportunities which could be a great fit, but that you know very little about.

In my conversation with Julie Pachella, an owner of multiple Budget Blinds franchises, we discuss all of this and more!

Julie shares about her professional experience prior to buying her first Budget Blinds franchise:

“My background is actually in public accounting, I actually was a VP of Finance with a franchisor, believe it or not, called Soccer Shots. I was there for about five years. My husband was working in Philly and we were both commuting over an hour. We were just kind of looking longer term at what we could do. I always wanted to have my own business, but we were also just looking for something sustainable for us as we planned to have a family. I got introduced to Kim Daly through a colleague who also purchased a franchise and found their business through Kim. I’m so grateful for all of your guidance and support and for connecting me with our Budget Blinds business that we have now. And we just finished our first month of our second franchise as well!”

Here’s what Julie says about her reaction when I presented Budget Blinds to her:

“Honestly, I remember when you first brought it up as one of the options that you thought might be a good idea for me to look into. I was like, “What? Budget Blinds? Driving a minivan around? Heck no!” But the more I learned about it and really just validated looked into the numbers, obviously being an accountant, the financial pieces were important to me. I think for me it was more important what the business was going to lead to for us from a lifestyle and an investment standpoint versus what we were actually doing day-to-day. As I learned more and more about Budget Blinds and just the business model, we talked to other franchisees, my eyes were opened to just how great of a model it was. And honestly, even now, being an owner of a Budget Blinds franchise, I feel like I even appreciate that more.”

Budget Blinds is fortunate to be part of the Home Franchise Concepts family, and Julie appreciates the support that this relationship provides:

“If I have a question, I have ten different people I could call or text to get help with. If there’s a new product or anything, I can hop on the phone and I’m getting someone right away. And so I think the support that Home Franchise Concepts and the Budget Blinds team provides us is absolutely amazing. Beyond that, even the HFC team, they’ve also developed relationships with a ton of different vendors that can also provide us support and training. They really set you up for success and they give you just what you need along the way to be successful.”

Budget Blinds is one of many, many great options that I present to clients whose goals and lifestyle align with their business model. When you’re ready to begin exploring options that could be a perfect fit for you, The Daly Coach is here to help. My services are always free to you! e-mail me today.

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