Make Up Your Mind

Make Up Your Mind

Kim Daly Coach's Corner

What if you looked at every obstacle in your business as an opportunity rather than opposition? What if every day you came to work with a simple clear goal that put you one day closer to your revenue goal, and no matter what was thrown at you, you didn’t flinch but kept moving in the direction of your goal? Too many franchisees are distracted by what their neighbors are doing or are not doing, or are looking to their franchisor for answers instead of looking in the mirror and OWNING their business.

I do not speak from a hypothetical position. I speak from 22 years of experience being self-employed. I, too, have been distracted, believed the lies in my head and have tried blaming everyone else for what I wasn’t getting, but when I got tired of where I was which was not where I knew I should be, and when I got tired of waiting for someone else to save me, that’s when my business changed, and literally, I learned I could move mountains. You can do it too. You just have to get sick of where you are and make up your mind. It’s really that simple.