Should you expect to walk away from validation with franchisees with specific numbers and a detailed proforma?
I don’t think so. I don’t care what others are doing or are not doing with their opportunity. I don’t want you to have limiting beliefs about what’s possible because you spoke to a few franchisees who aren’t making the money that you want to make.
Since no one can guarantee your success but you, I want you to use validation to get an understanding of what drives top performance and to get comfortable that the franchisor will be there to train and support you as you begin and grow.
In other words, how much someone else is making in their business is really irrelevant, but how they spend their time, what they do to drive revenue and how well supported they feel are what I want you to hear coming out of validation.
This way, you can set your own course, build your own sales plans and get out there to make your own dreams come true! #thedalycoach