Did you know that franchisors turn down candidates?
Of course, I don’t speak for every franchise out there, but for those in my “gated community” world of FranChoice, franchisors absolutely will turn down even a highly qualified candidate. Why?
The #1 reason is personality fit. If a candidate is combative in their tone or aggressive in their questioning to the point of trying to be the expert and diminish the franchisor’s leadership, this is a huge red flag. The franchisor will be thinking (and rightly so!) if this person is like this now, what happens after we take their money? Thank you, but no thank you!
The second reason a franchisor may turn down a candidate is because they didn’t present professionally during the due diligence process. Missing appointments, showing up late at events at the discovery day, leaving a key presentation to take a phone call are all potential signs of your focus and the respect you have for the brand and the opportunity.
Franchisors are looking for motivated, financially qualified professionals who will proudly help them build the brand!