I am excited to bring you another real world story of people who showed courage and tenacity, and ultimately found success in their franchise during the 2020 pandemic.
Today I speak with my once candidate, now forever friend, Bonnie Massa. She is the owner of YogaSix in an area south of Boston, MA. Bonnie opened YogaSix, a yoga studio under the Xponential Fitness umbrella, DURING the pandemic. Here’s what she has to say about it:
“We signed in May of 2020—a good six weeks after the lockdown started. But when that started, it was only going to be for three weeks and then it’s only going to be for two months. And we were like, ‘That’s fine, no big deal. We’re not going to build out until the end of the summer anyway.’ Terrifying. And, you know, you keep telling yourself there’s an end game, and you get to that point where the buildout is happening, and it is the most beautiful boutique workout space you have ever seen.
We were fortunate in the way that we were not totally locked down like some of the other states across the country. Our studio holds thirty six. We got top open with nine. So corporate was great about supporting us with marketing materials, about how safe we are and our cleaning protocols and giving us the social media pieces that we needed to kind of really talk up our brand and why we’re better than anything else that was open at the time, why we’re cleaner, safer, why we care.”
On investing in a business vs starting a business, Bonnie says:
“We were literally given a playbook right from the start. This is how to do things week by week by week. And if we were floundering or if we got another curve ball thrown at us, it ‘This is what we do. Try this, try that.’ And I am thrilled that things are starting to open up, that we’re going to get to go have our tent and I get to go out into the community, which is something we haven’t been able to do. And I want to be able to introduce the brand to as many people as possible.”
Bonnie’s advice to someone considering investing in a franchise business?
“Just do it! Go for it.”
For more information about YogaSix and Xponential Fitness, visit http://yogasix.com or I’d be happy to introduce you to Bonnie. And if her story inspired you and you are ready to explore franchises that might be a great fit for YOU, please e-mail me right now using the form below for a totally FREE consultation.