

Kim Daly Coach's Corner

You’ve done all the due diligence you can do, but you still can’t say YES! to your dream for franchise ownership. Why?

Because nobody ever invested in a business because it was purely the logical thing to do. You have to go back to your motivations for wanting a business. Why did you start this process? What do you want from a business that you cannot get from another investment or a job? If you can connect the dots between what you really want in life over the next 3, 5,10 years to the franchise opportunity, and you have met and validated the franchisor and believe that they have a culture that will inspire you, where you will feel adequately supported, and they have a vision for the future that you want to be a part of, then you just have to push through the fear! I know it’s hard, but every franchisee you spoke to in your process felt exactly as you do now. They jumped and their story inspired you to get to this point. If you let fear own this moment, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Even if you aren’t as successful as you wanted to be, you will regret that you never tried and never knew what could have been. You can do this. OWN IT!

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