Redeem the Time - The Daly Coach - Franchise Consulting

Redeem the Time

Kim Daly Coach's Corner

As we prepare to work and do school work from home, I am encouraging my kids to take on a project. I want them to redeem this time that we are being given with no sports, no friends, nowhere to go.

The time will pass, and life will resume normally, and for those who are willing to do what most won’t, they will keep growing and look back on this time as a blessing in disguise.

What will you do with this bonus time that Corona is giving each of us? Who will you choose to become in the next few weeks? We all have choices to make. Fear or faith. Waste the time. Embrace the time, but ya know what, we’ve always had those same choices.

I hope my phone is ringing off the hook tomorrow and in these next few weeks with wanna-be business owners who see this time as a gift to explore their future.

I’m here, and I’m ready, and when I’m not investing time with others to help them create their future, I can guarantee you, I will be investing time in my own future!

#Redeemthetime #thetimeisnow #createyourdestiny