If the stock market plunging is keeping you from investing in a franchise business, you are missing the point of why you invest in a franchise business.
The stock market plunging is THE reason to invest your money in something other than the stock market! A franchise business is an investment like your home, your 401K or a whole life insurance policy. Does it come with risk? Sure, but how much risk depends on you and the franchisor partner you select. You can calculate and control the risk. How much control have you had over your stock portfolio these past two days?
You may then throw up the Corona virus as your next excuse. Ok fair enough. If a flu that will pass in time is also going to stop you from pursuing your dream to own a business, you’re probably not ready for the freedoms of ownership anyway. Freedom is never free. It always comes with risk and at a price.
To survive in business, you must be mentally tough and driven to compete. I’m not judging if you are not ready. I’m just not buying your excuses.