Believe in Yourself!
Don’t be surprised if you encounter big issues after you’ve said YES! to your dream of business ownership. The enemies in our minds don’t attack us when we aren’t living up to our potential.They don’t need to. There’s no threat for failure when you’re not trying, but when you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and are living on faith, you better be prepared for the fight of your life.
This is really why business ownership is hard because since what we believe is what we make true, if you’re believing the lies in your own head that will tell you you’re not qualified, you’re not worthy of success, you can’t do this – this, in fact, is what you will make true. This is also why strong, powerful, consistent leadership is essential in a franchise. If a few franchisees band together in negativity, they will attract others to their side, but if the franchisor has a winning culture and is inspiring confidence every day, even those who aren’t as successful as they want to be will be positive and stay the course because there’s a belief that success is possible. #franchising