Access - Franchise Coaching


Kim Daly Coach's Corner

Candidates are always questioning the value of royalties in a franchise. So, let me try this analogy and see if you can get it…. Why do you pay membership dues at a gym? You pay dues for ACCESS to all that the gym offers: training, expertise, classes, amenities not to mention the camaraderie and social aspects of belonging to a club. When you quit the gym, what do you get to take with you? The body you were building while you were paying dues and a member of that club. So why do franchisees pay royalties? For ACCESS to all the franchisor has to offer: training, expertise, advanced learning, vendors, technology not to mention the camaraderie and social aspects of belonging to a business that is a brand. When you leave the franchise, what do you get to take with you? The equity you were building while you were paying dues and a franchisee of the franchise. In both scenarios, you get out what you put in, but you pay for what you have access to. Royalties are like membership dues. #Franchising